"The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression
should be our first object."
Thomas Jefferson
Being a Nam combat Vet I know what
it is like to fight and die each day for a lie...ours was the Gulf of Tokin...your not fighting for God Mother and Country anymore but rather
for your buddy next to you...the tours in Nam were 12 months and you could extend and do eighteen months...I can not begin
to know how these troops today can come home only to be sent right back over...alot of them on their third and fourth tours...These
are special men and women and my heart and support is forever with them...They and their families deserve a hell
of alot more then what they get...
At my age
now I can't go out to protest and demonstrate but I do have this thing the internet and I do my protesting their...There are a ton of ways an American can help
on the net...send emails to the White House and every other government branch...State...Defense...Justice and so many more...you
local and state leaders...Raise a little Hell and remind them that this is the peoples country...they have their jobs because
we gave it to them and we sure can take it away...Also there are many ways to support our troops...Americas' Finest...The
War may not be at your door step now but I guarantee sooner or later it will be...you can bet on that so do something about
it...America wake up before we lose it all...
I have never been a man of party...Republican ,Democrat ,Independent or Green party...I have always listen to them...weighed what they said and then decide for myself which is best for this Nation...I have never just bashed on any politician
running for office or already in office...As a Vet I respect the Office of the President and also the Vice-President but the
men who presently occuppy those offices are a disgrace to the American people and to the world...
We have one that avoided the Vietnam war
by way of his daddy and the other one says he "had more important things to do"...What the hell is more important then fighting
for your country ??? When 911 began and Bush sent our troops into Afgan I was right there with him for that is where the people were that were responsible
for this horrible tradgy...Within a year our troops had the Taliban on the run till finnally they broke
their back...Our soldiers accomplished their mission with the exception of capturing or killing Bin Ladin...Iraq was your
mission Mr. President...again...Shame...
For reasons of their own Bush and
his crew pulled some troops out of Afgan and sent them to invade Iraq along with 100,000 other brave men and women...using lies...mis-information...deceit...fear
of WMD's and many other reasons the Bush administration set out on a Pre-emptied invasion of a country that did absolutly
nothing to us or any of our interest...Sure Sadamn was evil but so many are and who are we to judge and execuite those that we deem evil ??? Did I miss something ???
This is where I stop supporting
the President and his policy...What if our next president or one down the road decides he doesn't like Russia or Canada or
China...the ground work has already been laid so he can have a Pre-emptied invasion also...I grew up in a world where Americans
did not invade other countries...where they only land we ever wanted was enough to bury our brave fallen...guess that's
gone with the rest...
"The most important thing
is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our No. 1 priority, and we will not rest until we find him."
George W. Bush, September
"I don't know where [bin Laden] is. I have no idea and I really don't care. It's not that important.
It's not our priority."
George W. Bush, March 2002
I just don't think I ever said I'm not worried about Osama bin Laden. It's kind of one of those exaggerations."
George W. Bush,October 2004
Regardless of how we got to Iraq...were
are there and again our troops did their job by defeating the Iraqi Army...captureing head leaders...killing both of Sadamns
son and capturing and hanging the "Butcher of Baghdad"...once again "Mission Acomplished...or so it was thought...Cheney
said we'd be greeted as Liberators...did not happen...The government of Iraq can't agree on anything...Insurgents from across the world came to Iraq to have a
chance to kill Americans...traning camps were set up on the borders of Iran...Afgan...Syria...Turkey...and Pakastan...The
Sunnis and the Shiets are engaged in a secular war and the whole country is in a civil war and our brave warriors and caught
right in the middle of it all...
Thru the years I have seen some really really bad Presidents and some great one to but Bush is the worst I have ever seen and the most
dangerous with his Cowboy way of "Bring it on"(why not...he won't be fighting them nor his children)...This war in Iraq is
nothing more then a sham making the rich richer while the middle and poor die for their ambitions of power and greed...There
are more contractors in Iraq then we have soldiers...Coruption is wide spread...shoddy work is being done...many after four
years still have no clean water or electricty...schools...markets...churches and houses all are at great risk for car bombs
and ied's...
Who Decides
By Suzanne Freeman
While bombs were still dropping over Baghdad in early April, meetings were being held in Northern Ireland, the U.S., and Russia
to discuss the future of Iraq. Each of these meetings was independent of the others and brought up a central and unanswered
question: Who will decide the future of this war-torn country?
The U.S. and Great Britain say
the coalition that fought the battles should decide, but even they are not in total agreement. While British Prime Minister
Tony Blair wants the UN to play a strong role, U.S. President George W. Bush says that UN participation should focus on humanitarian aid.
The two leaders met in Northern Ireland on April 6. They issued a joint statement a few days later outlining their joint agreement,
which still did not clear up the issue.
Bush and Blair
jointly said that Iraq must be lead by Iraqis. It was the politically correct thing to say, but not exactly realistic, at
least not in the short term. Who rules in the interim between when the fighting ends and the first free democratic election
still must be decided.
The leaders of countries opposed to war with Iraq met in St. Petersburg, Russia, in early April. France, Germany, and Russia
want the UN to have the lead in determining Iraq's future.
"We are no longer in an era where
one or two countries can control the fate of another country," said French President Jacques Chirac. "Therefore, the political,
economic, humanitarian, and administrative reconstruction of Iraq is a matter for the United Nations and for it alone."
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
attended a meeting of the European Union in Athens, Greece, in mid-April. EU leaders resolved to increase pressure for the
U.S. to turn over control of Iraq to the UN. France, Germany, and Russia were part of this meeting, too.
Part of the issue is who will have
control of Iraq's rich oil resources. The U.S. has asked the UN to lift economic sanctions passed after the first Gulf War in 1991. Once
the sanctions are lifted, the oil can be sold on an open market. The money from sales can be used to begin rebuilding Iraq's
damaged infrastructure and establishing a democratic government.
The next big battle over who controls
Iraq's future could well be played out in the UN as the Security Council meets to discuss lifting the sanctions. Bush said
"Now that Iraq is liberated, the
United Nations should lift economic sanctions on that country," Bush said recently while speaking to workers at a Boeing plant
in St. Louis, Missouri.
The Kids of Khewa
By Cassandra
It is 8:00 in the morning and Bibi,
a 9-year-old Afghan girl, has been up and working for the past several hours. She is bringing water from the village well to her home.
"My day starts at sunrise. It is
best to start work early when it is still cool," says Bibi. "In the afternoon it will be too hot to work in the sun."
Bibi is one of about 18,000 children
living in the Khewa district in eastern Afghanistan. Life here is hard for children. Many families have had to leave their
homes and live as refugees to escape the last 20 years of war. Din Mohammad, who is 12 years old, spent most of his life in
refugee camps, waiting for it to become safe to return home.
"I don't remember living here—we
left when I was 3 to escape the fighting and the Taliban," said Din Mohammad after returning to Khewa with his family. "I
spent the last nine years living in camps near Peshawar, Pakistan. I guess I am home now, but it doesn't feel like it."
Din Mohammad
was fortunate. Many families did not have the money to leave. The children who remained in Afghanistan had a very difficult life under the Taliban. Girls were not allowed to go school, boys could only attend religious schools,
and no one could listen to music.
Since the war on terror and the
fall of the Taliban, life is slowly improving in Afghanistan. Twelve-year-old Storai is collecting cow dung from the pastures.
This is one of her many chores for the day. Later she will stick it on the walls of her home to dry. It will be burned as
fuel for the cooking fires.
"I have a lot of work to do," says
Storai "I must help my family. But now that the Taliban is gone I am able to do more."
Although most of the schools were
damaged in the past two decades of fighting, many boys, and now girls like Storai, are going to school. "We have classes outside
and sit on the ground," says Storai, who hopes to one day be a doctor. "I hope they rebuild our school soon, so we can sit
inside before the winter comes and it is too cold."
Iraq corruption commissioner says
rampant problem has cost $8B - Iraq has lost $8 billion through corruption over the past three years, Radi al-Radhi, the head
of Iraq's public corruption commission
The report from the Special Inspector General
for Iraq Reconstruction says some projects portrayed as successes by U.S. officials have started breaking down because of
poor maintenance, shoddy construction or simple neglect.
Iraq is experiencing the worst
human displacement of its history, with almost 2.2 million persons displaced within its borders and an additional two million
who have fled the country to the surrounding region. This mass displacement is fast becoming a regional and ultimately international
Thousands of Iraqis are going without
food and basic supplies as the country's food distribution infrastructure crumbles...
"We are all looking forward for
a fast start to rebuilding the country and have a decent free life," he continued. "That can console us that things may work
fine, like a ray of light in this darkness."
"At some point, [Iraq] is going
to fall apart,What we're trying to do ... is to get people to a point in Iraq where they're going to be able to cope with
that point and help it move forward."
Karen Diop
Question: Have
you been affected by America's war with the terrorists? How?
Answer: "Yes. In good ways
and bad ways. Before the Americans attacked, we were living in a refugee camp in Pakistan. Now that the Taliban is finished,
we have returned to our home. But it is ruined. America promised to help us after the war, but no one has come to help. My
father says that America is going to forget us again, like they did before."
H. 11, Abdul Khail,Kuz-Kunar Distric,
What do you normally eat in a day? Answer: For breakfast we have nan [traditional unleavened Afghan bread]. For lunch we have
vegetables and nan, and for dinner we have do piaza [boiled meat cooked with tomatoes and onions] or koftah [meatballs cooked
with tomatoes] and nan. For snacks sometimes we have noqul [almonds covered with sugar]. Before, when we lived in the refugee
camp, we only had nan and rice to eat, and maybe some vegetables.
—Kamilla, 9, Khanabad,
Takhar Province
Are you more scared now or
were you more scared before 9/11?
Answer: I am more scared now. Before, under the Taliban,
things were very safe here. There was no stealing and no murders. Now, bombs are going off in our city all the time and there
is still lots of shooting and firing. We also don't have anywhere to live now. When all the refugees came back to Kabul they
kicked us out of our apartment and raised the rent. For now, I am staying with relatives.
H., 8, Kabul
Do you know anyone who knows Osama bin
Answer: No. But I have cousins in a village near Tora Bora and they said they saw
him before. He used to come to the area all the time, but he never talked to anyone. Now, everyone says he escaped during
the bombardment and is hiding somewhere in Pakistan.
—Hashmat G., 14, Khewa, Nangarhar
Thousands and thousands have fled
their homes and their country flooding Iraqs neighbors with refugees...Those who stay face such horrors each day...kids seeing
their mothers raped...their fathers tortured and killed...their friends and family killed simply because they did not share
the same belief...Kidnappings...beheading...murder...ied's...just what kind of a God ask this of his people...our intervention
created all of this and so much more then is ever reported...the region is in a state of turmoil and Bush and his crew made it that way...Our White House
and the American people have been sold down the river...Where is the Outrage??? Are we just going to swallow this....
"And there is distrust in Washington.
I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town. And I'm sorry it's the case, and I'll work hard
to try to elevate it." --
George W. Bush, interview on National Public
Radio, Jan. 29, 2007
How do you feel about the American
military men who are in your country?
Answer: They cause a lot of problems. They kill many people who have not done anything wrong and then
say it was a mistake. They should be more careful and check to see who is good and who is bad before just bombing us. But
they assume we are all bad. I am afraid that someday they will bomb us, but we do not like the Taliban and are glad they are
—Mohammad F., 9, Mian Pashto
What do you think Americans are
like? Answer: "Americans are lucky. They have so many things we don't have: schools, cable TV, computers…and
lots of money
-Tariq R., 14, Kewa
How do you feel toward Americans?
Do you think they have helped you or hurt your country?
Answer: I have mixed feelings. They attacked us and we didn't do anything
to them. Osama bin Laden and none of the other people who attacked America were Afghans. Many good people were killed because
of America. But still, I am glad they are here now. They helped us finish the Taliban. We are freer now, even though there
are still many problems. They should help us get complete peace here, but then they should leave.
G., 13, Kabul
"The Butcher of Baghdad" has
been captured...judged and hung along with many of his top henchmen...his sons are dead and his family is in exile....
Mr.President..."OUR"Mission Accomplished...
I have been following this insanty four years now...In that time things just keep getting worse and worse...Bush is talking
and warning of a World War III for God sake...we will most likely be fighting that one with sticks and stones...I
have buried two brave soldiers that I coached baseball and football to when they were younger...my own two oldest sons serve
one Army the other Navy subs...I have held my anger and fought not to be a Bush basher but it is getting harder and harder
with each life lost in Iraq and Afgan and each lie out of this adminstrations mouth...
This great Nation once was the Beacon of Light throughout
a dark world...a hope...a dream...a better way of life for all...where has that Nation gone...More important...when will it
return and put us back on the path that was forged by our Founding Fathers and watered with the blood of the young and the
"From time to time, the tree of liberty must
be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots."
Thomas Jefferson
Every nation in every region now
has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
"As you can
possibly see, I have an injury myself -- not here at the hospital, but in combat with a cedar. I eventually won. The cedar gave me a little scratch. As a
matter of fact, the Colonel asked if I needed first aid when she first saw me. I was able to avoid any major surgical operations
here, but thanks for your compassion, Colonel."
George W. Bush,
after visiting with wounded veterans from the Amputee Care Center of Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, Jan.
1, 2006
'It is just a political game with them, as our
soldiers, as our sons and daughters die over in Iraq.'
"I heard somebody say, 'Where's (Nelson) Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead. Because Saddam killed all
the Mandelas."
George W. Bush, on the former South African president, who is still very much alive, Washington,
D.C., Sept. 20, 2007
What really gets to me is that
86% of Americans know this man and his pals are wrong...they know about the lies and the cover ups...they know of the corruption
and illeagal operations of Big Business...they know he is lying to the families of our fallen yet...it continues on unabated...only
a handful truly care enough to at least try and make it right...When did we become so blind and uncaring ??? Shame Shame Shame...
Bush's war in Iraq is about the
Oil...Money and Power...It's about Greed and Corporations...It's about lies and twisted truths...This war has torn at the
very fabric of the American way of Life...No one ,except the Lord Almighty, is above the Law of this Land or has power over the Consitution....and yet
even today after it all has been exposed they continue to have their way...if you get in the way you are a traitor...speake out against them and your aiding the enemy...
Both Bush and Cheney had the
opportunity to see the enemy first hand in Nam and opted to decline...The Congress has sent bill after bill to the "Decider"
desk only to be vetoed and he threatens to continue this till he and his partners in crime get what they want and the beauty
of it all is he makes it look like the Congress are the bad boys...unbelievable...
This man that calls himself "The
Decider" is in truth not to bright and hasn't a clue to what the hell he is doing....and Cheney and Rummy and the others just love
it....Every one is getting rich...what's not to love...This Nation will bear the scars of this war for generations to
come...your sons and daughters and their children will suffer the most from this arogant man...
He has taken our consitution and the Bill of Rights
and trashed them...as president they do not apply to him ???He has taken the law of this land and twisted it up and ignored
them to meet his own needs...A little sex in the White House doesn't seem so bad
right about now I'd say...
"My job is a decision-making
job, and as a result, I make a lot of decisions."
George W. Bush, The Decider, Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 3, 2007
"I've got God's shoulder to cry on. And
I cry a lot. I do a lot of crying in this job. I'll bet I've shed more tears than you can count, as president."
W. Bush, as quoted by author Robert Draper in Dead Certain
"The question is, who ought
to make that decision? The Congress or the commanders? And as you know, my position is clear -- I'm a commander guy."
I fully understand those who say you can't win this thing militarily. That's exactly what the United
States military says, that you can't win this military."
George W. Bush, on the need for political progress in Iraq, Washington,
D.C., Oct. 17, 2007
"The insurgency has clearly been
at a level that has been more intense than anticipated."
The same folks that are bombing innocent people
in Iraq were the ones who attacked us in America on September the 11th."
George W. Bush, Washington,
D.C., July 12, 2007
George Bush talks about `Rogue States` and `Axis
of Evil` and now discredited vice President Dick Cheney spoke of a list of 40 countries he wanted to attack.
"More than two decades later, it
is hard to imagine the Revolutionary War coming out any other way."
George W. Bush, Martinsburg, W. Va., July 4, 2007
Admitting that there is a disaster
is not a matter of lack of "patriotism" or failure to "support our boys." The war cannot be won by makebelieve. U.S. soldiers
do not lack courage, but the US military apparently lacks the know how and the means to win the war, and the US government
seemingly lacks the leadership and will to provide either. I know that some will protest that it is not so. If it is not so,
why are the bombs going off every day? Does anyone really believe that another 21,000 US soldiers or even another 50,000 will
bring victory? Does anyone really believe that the Iraqi army will be "ready" in 6 months? In a year? In three years? In ten
Those who do not learn
from history are doomed to repeat it.
~Philosopher George Santayana